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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To The Most Common Questions

At Bulltraderz, we believe in transparency and making things clear for our community. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting out, you might have some questions about our services or how things work here. That’s completely natural.

Here you can browse through our FAQ sections to find detailed answers and gain a better understanding of our services.

General FAQ:

How do I get started with Bulltraderz?

First, decide which service you're interested in.

To join our Elite trading signal room, you need to purchase a subscription. After your purchase, you'll receive instructions to join the signal room.

If you're more inclined towards automated trading, please contact us on Telegram to discuss system settings and preferences.

Press here if you are interested in trading signals →

Press here if you are interested in automated trading →

How can I contact you?

You can contact us directly through our website's contact form, or you can reach out to us on Telegram for a more immediate response.

Press here to contact us →

Can anyone start trading or do I need specific skills?

Anyone can start trading with us. Our services are tailored to be user-friendly and can easily be used by beginners. While having some prior knowledge can be advantageous, we have resources and guidance available for everyone.

How much money is required to start trading?

The amount of money needed to start trading primarily depends on your goals. A higher account balance will allow you to generate more significant profits.

It's important to understand that trading isn't a scheme to get rich quickly. For instance, while turning $100 into $10k in a short time would involve extreme risks, transforming $5k into $10k is a more realistic target.

The absolute minimum to start is $200

We do not recommend trading with less than $200 due to limitations in risk management.

Starting with a more substantial amount often yields optimal results, but ultimately, it all depends on your budget.

How do I pay for your services?

Payments for all our services can be made through Credit/Debit cards or Crypto wallet.

If you wish to pay using crypto, please contact us to receive the payment address.

Press here to contact us →

Do I need a computer to access any of your services?

No, a computer isn't mandatory. Our services are accessible entirely through a mobile device, anywhere globally, as long as there's a network connection.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer any refunds for our services. As a signal subscription service provider, we reserve the right to a no-refund policy to avoid malicious misuse of our services.

Regarding autotrader - since we only charge a fixed % performance fee, we don't profit unless our clients do. Losses made in the markets cannot be refunded as that's the nature of trading.

Do you offer free trials for any of your services?

Currently, we don't offer free trials. However, we have a free telegram channel where you can receive occasional free signals. Users can also browse chat history to see our past trades on the channel.

Press here to join our free telegram channel.

Can I use any broker with your services?

Yes, our services are designed to be compatible with most brokers.

However, it's best to trade with our recommended broker. If clients use their own broker, exchange rate differences and a potential lack of assets might negatively affect their results.

For instance, quote differences can lead to different entry and exit points which can affect performance.

Press here to open an account with our recommended broker.

Trading Signals FAQ:

What's the difference between your Elite Chat premium signals and the FREE Telegram signals?

In the free channel, we only share 1-3 signals weekly, serving as a sneak peek, educational hub, and info center for our users.

On the other hand, the Elite premium channel offers multiple signals daily, accompanied by premium support.

To copy all our trades and enjoy full benefits, you need an Elite membership.

Can I benefit from signals even if I'm already trading?

Yes! Our signals can be used by both beginners and experts. By providing different perspectives, saving time on analysis, and highlighting potentially profitable trading opportunities, our signals help active traders make well-informed, better trading decisions.

Will every signal be profitable?

No, we don't need to win every single one of our trades to be profitable.

At Bulltraderz, we focus on a high Risk-Reward approach. If a trade is profitable, the return is typically 3 times the risk. This means for every $1 at risk, the average potential gain is $3.

So, if out of 100 trades, 40 are profitable, the net gain would still be positive.

Here's why:

60 losses = -$60 (60*$1)
40 wins = +$120 (40*$3)
Total Profit/Loss = $120 - $60 = $60.

If you would risk $100 on each trade, the net profit after those 100 trades would be roughly $6000.

Even though majority of trades ended up losing, the net gain was still very much positive.

Where will I receive signals?

Signals are sent through Telegram messenger.

After subscribing, you'll join our exclusive Telegram group for all updates and signals.

Also, make sure to join our free channel to ensure you don’t miss any updates.

Press here to join our free channel→

How often are signals sent out?

Signal frequency is influenced by market conditions. On average, we send out 3-5 signals daily. However, the numbers can vary. Some days we will send more signals, other days we will send less, and occasionally there will be days with no signals. We only trade when the market presents valid opportunities to trade.

Our primary focus is on quality rather than quantity.

Are the signals compatible with mobile trading?

Absolutely. Our signals are adaptable for both desktop and mobile platforms. In fact, mobile trading often proves to be more practical than using a laptop.

Can signals help me learn how to trade?

Yes! Signals not only provide direction on what to trade but also enable traders to trade regularly. They help traders learn proper risk management, discipline, and spot key levels, offering a practical approach to trading.

Do you also send analysis with your signals?

Yes, each signal comes with a screenshot that shows our key support and resistance levels and indicator readings as well as the entry, SL & TP levels.

Can I share the signals with friends or family?

Sharing signals is strictly forbidden and will result in service termination and a permanent ban.

Our team invests significant effort into ensuring quality services. If others wish to benefit from our signals, they should subscribe individually.

However, we offer offer special bonuses for those who refer friends or family to us. To learn more about our referral program, please contact us on telegram.

Can I customize signal settings to match my trading style?

Yes, while we provide a general prediction, experienced users are free to adjust the signals to best fit their strategies.

Just ensure you possess the necessary trading skills to make these modifications.

How do you determine which signals to send?

Our signals are determined through a rigorous process that combines technical and fundamental analysis with constant market monitoring. We keep track of market changes, news events, and other crucial factors to deliver timely and relevant signals.

Can I cancel my signal subscription at any time?

Yes, subscribers can cancel automatic payment collection anytime. If a subscriber cancels during the start/middle of their billing cycle, they will retain access to the group until the subscription period ends.

Can I see your signal performance reports?

Certainly. For a detailed view of our signal performance, we can provide full reports upon request. If interested, please contact us on telegram.

Press here to contact us

Automated Trading FAQ:

Are there any risks involved with automated trading?

Automated trading does carry risks. Even though automated systems can eliminate emotional bias, market volatility can still impact results. Success is rooted in proper risk management and focusing on long-term profitability rather than short-term results.

What security measures are in place for automated trading?

Safety is our priority. We employ advanced encryption and strict data protection measures. Your trading account and personal details are kept confidential, and we never have direct access to your funds.

Furthermore, we only work with regulated, licensed trading platforms.

The system also has preset rules for safeguarding your funds. It has built in rules for both open P&L and total account drawdown to prevent losses. If open losses surpass a set level, the system closes all trades. Also, if the account balance surpasses a set level, all trading on that account is paused.

Regular communication about performance is also provided to our clients.

How can I review the trades made by the automated system?

All trades made by the automated system can be viewed and reviewed within your trading account. You'll have full transparency into every trade, including entry points, exit points, profits, and losses.

Clients can monitor accounts in real-time and reach out to us for adjustments anytime.

Do you charge a subscription fee for automated trading?

No, there's no fixed subscription fee for automated trading. Our clients only pay a share of the profits after making a profit withdrawal from their trading account. Payments are done manually via credit/debit card or a crypto wallet.

How do I pay you the performance fees for automated trading?

Performance fees are not deducted automatically. Users need to withdraw profits and pay our fees manually. We negotiate terms individually with each member.

Typically, we encourage keeping profits in the trading account for the initial 3-6 months to benefit from compound growth.

Generally, we request payments once every 2-3 months.

Is the trading system fully automated, or do I need to monitor it?

Clients aren't required to actively manage the system. We handle all the work, ensuring optimal performance. However, clients can monitor their trades and suggest adjustments if desired.

Are human analysts monitoring and adjusting my trades?

Yes, while our trading system operates automatically, a dedicated team of experienced analysts continuously monitors and refines the system. This combination of automation and human expertise ensures consistent and optimal performance for our clients.

How does the automated trading system determine which trades to execute?

Our advanced system incorporates sophisticated algorithms and leverages technical, indicator, and order block analysis. By combining these strategies and constantly evaluating market conditions, we aim to maximize potential gains and minimize risks for our clients.

How often does the system trade?

The system's trading frequency adjusts to market conditions. It's designed to seize the best opportunities, trading frequently during favorable market periods. During optimal conditions, it can execute several dozen trades per day.

Can I set trading limits or customize settings on the automated system?

Yes. Clients can determine the system's trading frequency and set parameters for maximum open P&L drawdown and maximum account drawdown. This allows for a tailored trading experience based on individual risk tolerance.

What kind of returns can I expect from automated trading?

Returns in trading are influenced by various factors, including market conditions and individual risk settings. More risk can lead to higher potential profit. For a clearer picture, we can provide trading reports and backtesting results, detailing potential growth based on specific risk settings and account balances.

Can I pause or stop automated trading at any time?

Yes, automated trading can be paused or halted upon request. However, such requests must be made at least 12 hours in advance, and the changes are executed from our end.

Do you share risks with your clients or are only your clients risking money?

While clients bear the direct financial risks in trading, it's important to understand that our company also takes substantial risks.

We incur a range of expenses, from marketing initiatives and employee salaries to system maintenance and other operational costs. Every client that doesn't profit has a direct impact on our business's financial health.

So, while we might not risk our funds directly in the markets, we definitely experience financial repercussions from non-profitable outcomes.

Additionally, it's worth noting that our clients retain a larger portion of the profits precisely because they assume the financial risks involved.

Can I see your Autotrader performance reports?

Yes. We will be happy to share detailed trading reports. Additionally, we can present backtesting results to illustrate how your account could have grown over specified periods in the past. For detailed reports, please contact us on telegram.

Press here to contact us.

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